
"In a period where I, like many parents of newborn babies, felt totally overwhelmed and exhausted, Sami was a real pillar of support. Having her on my team was without a doubt the best investment I could have made in my emotional and physical postpartum well-being.

Each week, like some sort of Mary Poppins character, she'd pull exactly what I needed from her magical basket of supplies - whether it was a foot soak, a herbal tea or a baby carrier to soothe our little one while I napped. And don't even get me started on her incredible food packages, which kept me and me whole family well nourished when we had so little energy to cook for ourselves."


"Sami was like a warm hug from an old friend. Always coming into our house with baskets full of goodies and a calm energy. As a first time mum her guidance before my labour was invaluable. Her suggestions around meal prep, boundaries, expectations and self care meant mine and my partners experience once home from hospital was so special and protected.

Whilst she did plenty around the house to refresh the space like hangout washing, run baths, settle baby, walk dog, clean kitchen etc it was her incredibly ability to hold space and listen to mine or my partners concerns and/or struggles which was extremely helpful in calming our anxieties in those very hard first weeks with a newborn. Everyone was calmer and slept better in the days that followed a visit from Sami.”


“Sami has an innate way of knowing what new mums need in that moment, whether it’s a perfectly brewed tea, giving your arms a break to settle your bub, or a sympathetic ear. Having Sami as our doula feels like we have an all-in-one coach and cheer squad. She puts strategies in place to help us succeed and loves seeing our little family unit kick goals. I honestly think Sami put us on a healthier and calmer path to parenthood.”


“Sami was an invaluable investment in my postpartum health, providing unwavering support during my transition to being a mother of two. Her visits were an anchor during my week, ensuring I felt heard, supported, and able to rest, while her delicious postpartum food and drinks kept us nourished.

Sami's warmth, kindness, and empathy were a constant source of comfort; her generosity and flexibility made me feel honoured to have her by our side during this crucial period. I couldn't recommend her services more highly for new mothers seeking comprehensive, compassionate care.”
